Chris Barkman is a local Winnipeg arborist and Tree Climbing instructor. Working with trees and climbing them has become both his calling and his passion.
He has been climbing trees since he was a kid and professionally for 9 years. For Chris, tree work is an art and a skill that is a continual evolution and practice. Bringing people climbing and helping others experience the treetops is one of the greatest gifts he has to share. His other great love in life is his daughter Tilia. "Whoever has learned how to listen to trees no longer wants to be a tree.
He wants to be nothing except what he is. That is home. That is happiness." Herman Hesse |
Licensed manitoba arborist
International Society of arboriculture
Trained as a Tree Climbing INCTRUCTOR Since 2013 Tree Climbers International is a worldwide organization of people who love to climb trees.
TCI was established in 1983 by Peter "Treeman" Jenkins who opened the worlds first tree climbing school in Atlanta, GA |